Oh my goodness, I most certainly hope so. It was hot today at school and I will confess: I was complaining. When I saw the weather report this morning, I didn't even think it would be that bad. I've lived hot places before, like Jerusalem in July and Yosemite in August. Triple digits? HA, I scoff. But something about 90 degrees in April in SAN FRANCISCO was just too much.
I tried to prepare when I got dressed this morning, bringing down from the shelf in the closet the large plastic storage box stuffed full of the wardrobe for Israel and camp. Interesting, isn't it, how those two places require much the same clothing? Just more modest in Jerusalem and more, well, I don't quite know what the wardrobe is more of at camp--not modest, to be sure, but something. I chose the longest biggest most cottony skirt I could find, I picked out a tank top for a little modesty and the light gauzy short sleeve shirt to layer on top. Strappy Danskos and a sweater to ward off the early morning chill completed the outfit and I was on my way.
Except that there was no early morning chill, and by the time I got to casual carpool at 7:30 I was sweating. My strappy shoes gave me blisters before recess and I resorted to the flip flops I'd shoved as an afterthought into my lunch bag to wear on the BART ride home. Flip flops at school? Clearly my common sense was impaired by the heat. Open-toed shoes around that many children, any of whom might stomp or bleed or drop hot lunch on your feet? Terrible choice.
By the time I walked three loooong SOMA blocks to my 3:00 meeting I was beyond wilted and had a hard time recovering. The fact that I had to get up and speak in front of everyone did not help. The fact that not only the person whose job I took midyear, but also the person who is taking my current job for next year, AND the person whose job could potentially be mine next year if the stars align and the creek don't rise were all there during the presentation REALLY did not help. No no no it did not.
I came home and laid down and drank lemonade and talked to Mara forever and now I feel better so I am going to make dinner. Except nothing hot. Maybe a salad. And a popsicle. Then a cool shower and lots of writing and picking out another warm weather outfit for tomorrow. I already know what I will wear--it is for super-hot temperatures, this particular combination. It wraps around and is drawstring-y and tunic-like. If the woman from School Health Programs did not think I was pregnant already on Friday (different story for a different day) she will for sure tomorrow morning when she sees my linen-y voluminousness. Ahhh....cooler. I'm ready for it.
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