Unfortunately this posting from the WAD does not include any instructional materials to help teach students about why, after eating asparagus, your pee smells so weird. Hmm. Guess I'll have to develop some kind of curriculum for that part of the conversation.
WHO: All Staff at Elementary, Middle and High Schools
WHAT: April’s Harvest Of The Month! – Asparagus!
Did You Know?
* White Asparagus is grown from the same crown as the green asparagus.
* Asparagus, per one-half cup serving, has the highest content of folate of any vegetable. Folate (folic acid) is helpful in replicating DNA and RNA, and researchers believe folic acid may be helpful in reducing the risk for certain cancers.
• Distribute Harvest of the Month materials:
- Copy Educator’s Newsletter for every classroom teacher
- Copy Family Newsletter, send home in weekly envelope
• Make tasty recipes found in both newsletters
• Prepare and offer Marinated Salad with Asparagus Guacamole, from the newsletters, at your next staff meeting
• Teach a lesson from the Educator’s Newsletter
The goal of Harvest of the Month is to increase fruit and vegetable awareness and to motivate children, families, and school staff to make healthier choices.
WHEN: April 2009
For more information about the Nutrition Education Project,
visit www.healthiersf.org and click on the icon
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