On Saturday night when I was leaving their house after an evening of Indian food and the Final Four, Emily said to me "Hey, Happy Spring Break tomorrow!" Oh--I got all kinds of upset. "Tomorrow is just Sunday, just the weekend," I insisted, "NOT Spring Break! Spring Break doesn't start until Monday." I turned to Sage, knowing that as a fellow teacher she would understand. "Tell her!" I insisted.
Every teacher knows that the weekends around a holiday do not count as part of the actual holiday itself. Right? Let's take Spring Break, for example. The first weekend is just the weekend you earned by working all week. THEN it is vacation for five days (sidepoint: I am currently in the first half of day two and so far have been camped out on what I was recently told is my uncomfortable couch reading, writing, and chilling out--should shower soon? Nah...overrated). THEN it is a bonus weekend! Then it is school once again.
Yesterday I finally had to sit down and make a schedule for Spring Break. I knew if I didn't that I would just wander around all week (one of my favorite things to do) and that suddenly it would be bonus weekend and I would not have done anything: not anything fun, not anything productive, not anything.
Not that not doing anything is bad. It is just not my natural disposition and would likely have made me, you know, anxious.
So now my schedule and to-do list are complete. Some things are still up in the air, like going to Chicago (kind of permanently up in the air right now, and expensive) and my newfound search for summer plans. But some things are scheduled and that is nice.
Yesterday I went on a hike in Joaquin Miller State Park up in the Oakland hills by Chabot (scheduled), did laundry and cleaned my house (scheduled), and had an outstanding evening full of picnic-ing and world-premiere theater and ice cream (scheduled, with a slight delay at the beginning but fine in the end). Today's list includes making boring but necessary doctor's appointments, calling my insurance agent, figuring out what to do this summer, reflecting deeply on Passover which starts tomorrow, paying bills online, and, oh--daydreaming, napping, pizza, and maybe last week's episode of Lie to Me on hulu.com.
Because you know...it is Spring Break, after all.
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