My schedule this past week was very full. Standardized testing rages on in the public schools of California and as our site's test coordinator, my days are kept quite busy managing 28 teachers as they administer a total of 72 different exams. The principal's office is a sea of Trader Joe's bags that get checked in and out each day, one per teacher, with booklets and pencils and schedules and huge ziploc bags filled with pretzels and Goldfish.
I also had a chance this past week to meet up with an OLD friend from high school, a woman who I hadn't seen since more than half my life ago. We went to Sugar in Hayes Valley and played hipsters for a night--well, she lives in New York City so I think she is probably a hipster most of the time if not always. So fun to see her again and compare stories and lives over overpriced cocktail lounge drinks :)
Then there was the third round interview for something I'm trying to pull together this summer.
Then there was the Tuesday evening therapy appointment and the Thursday evening book group. Did I mention the Friday afternoon haircut? What about the early morning carpools into the city? Oy vey....my days and nights have been very full.
I would expect myself to be paralyzingly tired, what with all this and more going on. But it is as Kelly said: "When you are doing things you love, that make you feel good about yourself, you find more energy. Not even that--the energy just comes! Suddenly late-night phone calls and midnight text messages are racy and delicious, not exhausting."
Um, she's right :)
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